Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More whining
Here is the attitude that worries me. There has been scientific warning for years now on possible pandemic, but when it actually catches the mainline press and raises consciousness, then everyone thinks it must happen on schedule, sooner rather than later, or it is just a joke. It doesn't happen in a few months and Oh well........

This is what happened in New Orleans. There was always a possibility of an intense hurricane, but because people were warned so many times, they got used to it, and did not take precaution.

Scientists tell us pandemic will come. Tomorrow or in a decade. Individual preparation is all that is needed. Put away a little food, Prepare for being home a lot. Back up your energy needs. Plan.

We all wait for the emergency. Then it is too late. I have seen the inconvenience, shock, and fear that just 9 days of power loss and a little storm caused in Buffalo and that was when all surroundings areas could rally to help, when neighbors could help neighbors and when no one was dying of the trouble.

Listen, the World Health Organization may not get top news billing every day, but they say this is a huge world wide danger. People need to prepare for it just like they do for a house fire. Our houses that have never burned in 100 years still have smoke detectors, electrical inspections, fire extinquishers. Larger buildings install sprinkle systems.

This kind of whining is very irresponsible. It suggests that there is a plot to put people in panic for no reason when actually there is a panic that dysfunctional families and communities will be at a total loss if this hits and people ought to at least know the danger.

And it isn't like there is no news. There is news every day of folks attempting to make vaccine, making plans, testing wild birds, it just does not get in the daily news on the top of the page. And it won't. Every day someone has their car inspected too and problems corrected, but it is the car crashes that get the media attention.

Remember the joke about the farmer with the leaky roof. On sunny days he noticed nothing, but when it rained and roof leaked, well, who could fix the roof in the rain?

All the farmer with the leaky roof ended up was wet. The farmer with pandemic roof leaks may end up dead or worse yet, with dead children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Dewey,

Thank you for your post.

The folks at the WHO are good people.

I am sure that they want to do the best they can, to try and protect us all, from this potential global disaster.

The problem is, that they have to navigate through a political minefield at every corner, in order to perform their task.

Let us say, that they wanted to warn us all about a more than normal number of human infections, of the current H5N1 bird flu virus, in a specific country.

If they did that however, it could well mean a disastrous tourist season in the said country and the powers that be in that country, would not be happy with that!

The said powers that be, may even stop any further cooperation with the WHO officials in that country as a result.

So what do the WHO do?

Well, many say that they have no choice but to compromise in these cases.

Not sure if the above is correct, but over the last year or so, we HAVE seen long and may be even unnecessary delays in the confirmations of human cases of the H5N1 virus.

In some cases, the WHO have had to do a "Richard Nixon", by declaring that all of their previous statements regarding a specific human infection were no longer operative!

In the mean time, the H5N1 virus is currently growing at more than twice the rate of the last year, even according to the WHO figures.

So far, during the year 2006, there has been one human fatality as a result of the bird flu virus, every four days!

That is even worse, when you realise that the current H5N1 virus, is a BIRD virus and is not supposed to be killing any humans at all!

It may not be a "Pandemic" as yet, but there is an increasing possibility of it actually mutating in to a human virus. That would be a major threat to all of us every where.

There have been 153 deaths related to the Bird Flu virus to date, that we know of.

We expect more such announcements shortly.

Added to the above, is the fact that if the expected mutation of the current H5N1 virus, is to follow the 1918 pandemic, it is likely to use the victims own immune system for its attack.

From the past experience, it tricks the immune system to virtually "liquidise" the lung tissue of the host body, so that the victim dies by "internal drowning".

As a result, the stronger the host body's immune system, the more likely it is for death to occur.

During the 1918 pandemic, the majority of deaths occurred in the age range of 13 years to 30 years.

I hope that the powers that be, are taking this global threat to us seriously enough, to try and prepare for the worst case scenario.

I am sure that every one hopes that this virus does turn out to be nothing more than a "a lot of the hype".

It would be very foolish to not assume a worst case scenario though.

The proverbial roof may not be leaking as yet, but it sure is damp.

Now is the time to act.

We have today added the "More whining " entry of your blog, to The-Best-Bird-Flu-Blogs section of our site.
