Tuesday, April 04, 2006

US has very little vaccine potential

While we invest in war and a million other useless activities, we do not invest in science at any level. So there is only one company within our borders to make the vaccine we will need to survive pandemic. It can't manage the job alone. So we have armies against terrorists and none against virus.


“We estimate that if we were to ask Sanofi to dedicate their facilities entirely to H5N1 vaccine, they could produce approximately 30 million to 40 million doses of H5N1 vaccine in a year,” Gellin said. “At two doses per person, we could vaccinate only 15 million to 20 million Americans in a year. Of course, this would also mean that the company would have to stop making next year’s flu vaccine in order to do this.”

If the population is 295,734,134, then that means it takes over 14 years to vaccinate our own people if we just use our own labs. Of course, if half the unvaccinated population dies each year, it would take much less time.

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